Backlinks to ModularOrigami in Origami Web (Search all webs)

Results from Origami web retrieved at 07:22 (GMT)

Modular Origami Images Images of completed ModularOrigami models Sonobè unit and variants Cube Octahedron Brocade Others PenultimateUnit OpenFrameIUnit ...
Open Frame I Unit This is a modular unit that can be assembled into three or four unit rings to form open frames of polyhedra. More information Books * Fus...
Assembling Sonobè Units Basic Assembly To assemble units into pointed triangles: 1. Each unit has two tabs on its ends and two pockets near the center. Insert...
Sonobè Unit Sonobè is a ModularOrigami system named after its designer, Mitsunobu Sonobè. Each Sonobè unit has two pockets that accept points from two other units...
Origami Information OrigamiInstructions Instructions for making some origami models. ModularOrigami Modular origami models are built out of multiple small...
Statistics for Origami Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploads: ...
Number of topics: 6
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