%IMAGE{"img_1731.jpg" type="frame" align="right" size="350"}%

LED Throwies

LED Throwies are small self-powered lighting devices that can be stuck to a surface to provide illumination or decoration. In the original design, each throwie is attached to a small rare-earth magnet; throwing it at a metal surface will cause it to stick. They can also be attached with adhesive tape or putty or just thrown around without any attacment mechanism.

Electrically, each throwie includes a LightEmittingDiode, LithiumBattery, and usually a resistor. Bound together with a piece of tape, the entire device usually costs less than $1 if the parts are bought in quantity.

-- StephenCavilia 2009-08-05

ProjectForm edit

Name LED Throwies
Summary A minimalist flashlight or "electronic graffiti" made from a LightEmittingDiode and LithiumBattery
Preview %IMAGE{"LEDThrowie/img_1731.jpg" size="100"}%
Components LightEmittingDiode, LithiumBattery, DeviceResistor
Difficulty Beginner
Author StephenCavilia
Topic attachments
I Attachment Action Size Date Who CommentSorted ascending
img_1731.jpgjpg img_1731.jpg manage 784 K 06 Aug 2009 - 01:02 StephenCavilia  
Topic revision: r1 - 06 Aug 2009, StephenCavilia
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