SSL Certificate Information for

Internet services hosted on support secure connections using the TLS and/or SSL encryption protocols. These include HTTP service at hosts such as and and IMAP/SMTP mail services for the domain. The certificate used by this server is issued by CACert, a certificate authority that provides server and email certificates free of charge. Since most client software, including web browsers, do not include CACert's root certificate by default, opening a secure connection to this server will display a warning about an invalid certificate.

Installing the Root Certificate

To be able to veritfy SSL certificates issued by CACert, you must install their root certificate in your browser (or mail client or other client software you are using to connect) For Netscape/Mozilla based browsers, visit the Root Certificate page and click the Class 1 PKI (PEM format) link. For other software, see the BrowserClients page at the CACert Wiki.

-- StephenCavilia - 2010-02-20

This topic: Main > WebHome > ServerSSL
Topic revision: 26 Apr 2011, UnknownUser
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