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Results from Electronics web retrieved at 21:34 (GMT)

AVR Digital Counter This project is a simple board that displays numbers counting from 00 to 99 on a 7 segment LED display using an AtmelAVR microcontroller. Dis...
Automotive LED Lighting Basic LED Circuits Custom drop in LED Bulbs LED compatible Turn Signal Flasher Main.StephenCavilia 2009 10 23
Power Filter for Automotive Electronics A power line noise filter to isolate mobile electronics such as two way radios from noise generated by the alternator or o...
LED Throwies LED Throwies are small self powered lighting devices that can be stuck to a surface to provide illumination or decoration. In the original design, e...
LM3401LED LED3401x1 r1.0 Single channel driver Design Files PCB Image BOM Designator Quantity Description Package Manufacturer Part Number Supp...
Project Index %SEARCH{" = 'ProjectForm' AND NOT(name ~ '*Template')" type="query" nosearch="on" noheader="on" order="formfield(Name)" format=" $formfiel...
Repeater interface to TYT TH 9000 mobile radio Radio side connector There is a connector on the TH 9000 circuit board with the signals necessary for repeater ope...
the Ultimate Analog Intervalometer The Ultimate Analog Intervalometer is a programmable multipurpose camera controller. Features Current * Built in switch ...
Universal H Bridge Driver Hardware Design Revision 1.0 * Dual MOSFET complementary H Bridge outputs (3A current per channel) provided by ZXMHC3F381N8 ICs, ga...
Electronics Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the Electronics web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences in . and...
Statistics for Electronics Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploa...
Number of topics: 12

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