Modular Origami

%XPHOTO{"" caption="5 Sonobè cubes"}%

Modular Origami (also known as unit origami) is a style of origami in which models are built by connecting together multiple folded units, instead of using a single sheet of paper for the entire model.

Modular unit instructions

Open Frame I unit Instructions by: StephenCavilia
Edge-type modular unit %IMAGE{"OpenFrameIUnit/step-6-p.jpg" size="100"}%
Made from square
Sonobè Unit Instructions by: StephenCavilia
A two-pocket two-point modular unit %IMAGE{"SonobeUnit/step-8-p.jpg" size="100"}%
Made from square
Number of topics: 2

Modular assembly instructions

Sonobè Assembly Instructions by: StephenCavilia
Assembling sonobè units %IMAGE{"Origami/SonobeAssembly/m2-assy-8-p.jpg" size="100"}%
Made from SonobeUnit
Number of topics: 1

-- StephenCavilia - 2009-07-17
Topic revision: r3 - 25 Aug 2009, StephenCavilia
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