Lock Pin Sizes

Tables of keying information for various brands of pin tumbler locks, including key cut depths and pin positions, pin sizes, progression, and MACS.


Pin/Key Dimensions

%IMAGE{"key-pin.png" type="frame" align="center"}%


Maximum Adjacent Cut Specification: some pin systems place a restrict the difference between depths of adjacent pins to avoid creating sharp angles in the key. If the MACS is 4, a #1 cut cannot appear next to a #6 or higher.


The pin depths available for use as change keys, depending on the cut used on the top master key in a given pin position. In a 2-step progression system with 10 pin depths, a master cut of 4 will only allow changes with 0, 2, 6, or 8 in that same position. With 1-step progression, all other depths are available for change keys. 2-step progression is required in systems like A2 where the increments are so small that a #1 master pin could not stay in the pin chamber securely.

Standard Cylinders


First cut .265" from shoulder, .155" centers, .014" increment, MACS 7, progression 2.

Pin sizes

# Cut Depth Bottom Master
0 .312 .178  
1 .298 .192  
2 .284 .206 .028
3 .270 .220  
4 .256 .234 .056
5 .242 .248  
6 .228 .262 .084
7 .214 .276  
8 .200 .290 .112
9 .186 .304  


First cut .250" (Z bow) or .197" (X bow) from shoulder, .156" centers, .014" increment, MACS 8, progression 1.

Pin Sizes

# Cut Depth Bottom Master
Z bow X bow Z bow X bow
1 0.343 0.333 0.160 0.171  
2 0.329 0.319 0.174 0.185 0.028
3 0.315 0.305 0.189 0.198 0.042
4 0.301 0.291 0.203 0.212 0.056
5 0.287 0.277 0.218 0.226 0.069
6 0.273 0.263 0.231 0.241 0.084
7 0.259 0.249 0.246 0.256 0.099
8 0.245 0.235 0.259 0.269 0.112
9 0.231 0.221 0.273 0.284 0.127
10 0.217 0.207 0.287 0.297  


First cut .216" from shoulder, .155" centers, .015" increment, MACS 7, progression 2.

Pin Sizes

# Cut depth Bottom Master
0 0.320 0.165  
1 0.305 0.180  
2 0.290 0.195 0.030
3 0.275 0.210  
4 0.260 0.225 0.060
5 0.245 0.240  
6 0.230 0.255 0.090
7 0.215 0.270  
8 0.200 0.285 0.120
9 0.185 0.300  


First cut .250" from shoulder, .156" centers, .028" increment, MACS dependent on adjacent angles.

Pin Sizes

# Cut depthSorted ascending Bottom Master Driver
1       0.193
6 0.193 0.354    
5 0.221 0.326    
4 0.249 0.298 0.153  
3 0.277 0.270 0.125  
2 0.305 0.242 0.097 0.158

Emhart high security keying restrictions

  • No # 1 cuts allowed -- cut will be too shallow to maintain angle
    • even though these cylinders are compatible with system 70, progression is limited to 2 - 6
    • mixing these high security cylinders with conventional system 70 cylinders must be carefully planned from inception -- please refer to the corbin/russwin cylinder manual for more information

  • There is no # 1 master pin -- therefore change key cut must be at least 2 steps from master cut

  • MACS is dependent on adjacent angles: when adjacent angles are the same, macs is 4; when adjacent angles are different, macs is 3

  • When the bottom and master pins total 2, 3, or 4, the driver is a # 1

  • When the bottom and master pins total 5 or 6, the driver is a # 2


First cut .237" from shoulder, .156" centers, .018" increment, MACS 7, progression 2.

Pin Sizes

# Cut depth Bottom Master
0 0.315 0.168  
1 0.297 0.186  
2 0.279 0.204 0.036
3 0.261 0.222  
4 0.243 0.240 0.072
5 0.225 0.258  
6 0.207 0.276 0.108
7 0.189 0.294  
8 0.171 0.312 0.144
9 0.153 0.330  


First cut .277" from shoulder, .156" centers, .018" increment, MACS 7, progression 2.

Pin Sizes

# Cut depth Bottom Master
0 0.320 0.180  
1 0.302 0.198  
2 0.284 0.216 0.036
3 0.266 0.234  
4 0.248 0.252 0.072
5 0.230 0.270  
6 0.212 0.288 0.108
7 0.194 0.306  
8 0.176 0.324 0.144
9 0.158 0.342  


First cut .247" from shoulder, .15" centers, .023" increment, MACS 4, progression 1.

Pin Sizes

# Cut depth Bottom Master
1 0.329 0.172 0.023
2 0.306 0.195 0.046
3 0.283 0.218 0.069
4 0.260 0.241 0.092
5 0.237 0.264 0.115
6 0.214 0.287  
7 0.191 0.310  


  • Kwikset does not make a #6 master wafer.


First cut .277" from shoulder, .156" centers, .015" increment, MACS 7, progression 1.

Pin Sizes

# Cut depth Bottom Master
0 0.320 0.150  
1 0.305 0.165  
2 0.290 0.180 0.030
3 0.275 0.195 0.045
4 0.260 0.210 0.060
5 0.245 0.225 0.075
6 0.230 0.240 0.090
7 0.215 0.355 0.105
8 0.200 0.370 0.120
9 0.185 0.385 0.135


First cut .244" from shoulder, .170" centers, .030" increment, MACS 4, progression 1.

Pin Sizes

# Cut depth Bottom Master Driver
1 0.266 0.236 0.030 0.270
2 0.236 0.266 0.060 0.240
3 0.206 0.296 0.090 0.210
4 0.176 0.326 0.120 0.180
5 0.146 0.356 0.150 0.150
6 0.116 0.386   0.120


Medeco does not allow change keys with a #6 cut next to the shoulder

Medeco Biaxial

First cuts .213" (fore) and .275" (aft) from shoulder, .108" (aft-fore), .170" (fore-fore, aft-aft), .232" (fore-aft) centers, .025" increments, MACS 2 (aft-fore), 3 (fore-fore, aft-aft), 4 (fore-aft), progression 1.

Pin Sizes

# Cut depth Bottom Master Driver
1 0.264 0.239 0.025 0.270
2 0.239 0.264 0.050 0.240
3 0.214 0.289 0.075 0.210
4 0.189 0.314 0.100 0.180
5 0.164 0.339 0.125 0.150
6 0.139 0.364    

Medeco Keymark

First cut .195" from shoulder, .15" centers, .0125" increment, MACS 9.

Pin Sizes

# Cut depth Bottom Master Driver
0 0.1385 0.110  
1 0.1260 0.122  
2 0.1135 0.135 0.025
3 0.1010 0.147 0.037
4 0.0885 0.160 0.050
5 0.0760 0.172 0.062
6 0.0635 0.185 0.075
7 0.0510 .197* 0.087
8 0.0385 .210* 0.100
9 0.0260 .222* 0.112

* Spool pins


First cut .25" from shoulder, .156" centers, .015" increment, MACS 7.

Pin Sizes

# Cut depth Bottom Master
0 0.341 0.160  
1 0.326 0.175  
2 0.311 0.189 0.030
3 0.296 0.203 0.045
4 0.281 0.220 0.060
5 0.266 0.234 0.075
6 0.251 0.248 0.090
7 0.236 0.263 0.105
8 0.221 0.279 0.120
9 0.206 0.294 0.135


First cut .216" from shoulder, .156" centers, .02" increment, MACS 7.

Pin Sizes

# Cut depth Bottom Master
1 0.328 0.170  
2 0.308 0.190 0.040
3 0.288 0.210 0.060
4 0.268 0.230 0.080
5 0.248 0.250 0.100
6 0.228 0.270 0.120
7 0.208 0.290 0.140
8 0.188 0.310 0.160
9 0.168 0.330 0.180
10 0.148 0.350  


First cut .231" from shoulder, .156" centers, .015" increment, MACS 7, progression 2.

Pin Sizes

# Cut depth Bottom Master
0 0.335 0.165  
1 0.320 0.180  
2 0.305 0.195 0.030
3 0.290 0.210  
4 0.275 0.225 0.060
5 0.260 0.240  
6 0.245 0.255 0.090
7 0.230 0.270  
8 0.215 0.285 0.120
9 0.200 0.300  


First cut .262" from shoulder, .156" centers, .02" increment, MACS 5.

Pin Sizes

# Cut depth Bottom Master
0 0.315 0.166  
1 0.295 0.186 0.020
2 0.275 0.206 0.040
3 0.255 0.226 0.060
4 0.235 0.246 0.080
5 0.215 0.266 0.100
6 0.195 0.286  

System 70




First cut .206" from shoulder, .165" centers, .019" increments, MACS 7, progression 2.

# Cut Depth Bottom Master
0 .320 .182  
1 .301 .201  
2 .282 .220 .038
3 .263 .239  
4 .244 .258 .076
5 .225 .277  
6 .206 .296 .114
7 .187 .315  
8 .168 .334 .152
9 .149 .353  

Interchangeable Cores

A2 (Best and other SFIC)

First cut .08" from notch, .15" centers, .0125" increment, no MACS, progression 2.

# Cut Depth Bottom Master Control Driver
0 .318 .110      
1 .305 .122      
2 .293 .135 .025 .025  
3 .280 .147 .037 .037  
4 .268 .160 .050 .050 .050
5 .255 .172 .062 .062 .062
6 .243 .185 .075 .075 .075
7 .230 .197 .087 .087 .087
8 .218 .210 .100 .100 .100
9 .205 .222 .112 .112 .112
10       .125 .125
11       .137 .137
12       .150 .150
13       .162 .162
14       .175  
15       .187  
16       .200  
17       .212  
18       .225  
19       .237  


  • If the master cut is even, make the corresponding control cut odd.
  • If the master cut is odd, make the corresponding control cut even.
  • Drivers: To calculate drivers, add 10 to the control key cut and subtract from 23. This calculation is constant throughout the system.






Medeco Biaxial

Medeco Keymark



System 70


Pin Sizes

General Information

-- StephenCavilia - 19 May 2011
Topic revision: r5 - 07 Jan 2012, StephenCavilia
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